Caring for long hair..


Active Member
Jan 21, 2006
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This is for all the long haired ladies. PLease give me all your tips and tricks and favourite products. My hair is getting all tangly and I don't want to have to cut it. So share your secrets of lovely long hair. Please? ^_^
I too have long hair and it can be a real pain to look after. Here are some of the things I do to keep it in good condition. Firstly, to stop my hair from getting tangled I comb through it gently (to avoid breakages) with a wide-toothed comb before washing it (it's important to do it before whilst the hair is still dry because when it's wet/damp it's very elasticated and easy to break) and braid it before I go to sleep. Braiding your hair is actually one of the best tips I can give you to avoid tangled hair so do it as often as you can.

Secondly, it is important to trim those dead ends every once in a while, ideally once a month. Although this won't make your hair grow any faster, it will prevent it from looking dull/damaged and from getting tangled too often. If you find that going to the salon on a somewhat regular basis is too pricey, you could always trim it yourself (I do my own; it's pretty easy if your hair is just one length like mine) or ask a friend who knows what they're doing to do it for you.

Thirdly, always make sure that after shampooing you leave the conditioner in your hair for at least 5-6 minutes. Usually on the bottle they'll tell you that 2-3 minutes is enough but ever since I've been leaving it in for longer before rinsing out, my hair has been a lot softer. If you regularly use heat appliances to style or dry your hair then I strongly suggest you invest in a good heat protectant (I recommend CHI 44 Iron Guard Thermal Protection Spray). Also, make sure you give your hair a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week. There are loads of recipes online for homemade hair masks made out of natural ingredients such as bananas, olive oil, etc. so you could check them out. :smile:

Lastly, make sure you have a balanced diet and you're consuming enough protein and fresh fruit+veg, as it really does make a difference. Ignoring some food groups will often lead to your hair, skin and nails being badly affected.

I hope this has helped you. :flower:
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Don't wash your hair more than twice a week - braids are your best friend. So is dry shampoo/baby powder.

Don't use conditioner, use a deep conditioning treatment every time you wash your hair.

Don't use anything hot on your hair. If you do, use a heat-protectant.

Don't brush your hair more than once a day - and always start at the bottom working your way up.

I've gone 1.5 years between hair cuts, and the hairdresser couldn't even tell! My ends never ever split and they never look worn out.
I guess it depends how long your hair is and the texture. I have hair that is just above my mid-back and tangling isn't really an issue for me. In fact, I don't really ever brush my hair because I don't get knots and it's naturally very straight(though I know I should simply to disperse natural oils I never remember to buy a brush).

As for braiding, I'm mixed. I braid my hair a lot to give it texture and curl, but I have found that this caused breakages (I braid my hair when wet otherwise it wouldn't curl) and if you braid it tight, it can create issues along your roots. But obviously not everyone has this experience.

I'm in the bandwagon of washing your hair less often. Again, depends on your hair type but if you get by without washing it for a couple days, then go for it.

My best product advice would be Moroccan hair oil. That's the brand name and it's been so nice for tangling flyaways caused by braiding and giving a bit of shine and moisture to my tips.
^ I swear by oiling ur hair.

My hair is long AND CURLY so its a real hassle most times. I wash it maybe 2-3 times a week aswell. Not more than that.

Make sure u never let it get dry. Switch shampoos if it is, and condition it atleast once a week. I use a detangler so I dont condition it too often as my hair doesnt get too dry.

Eat fish. Im not a seafood fan at all but its high in protein and it will definitely make changes that u will like.

& like it or not, a good sleeping pattern really DOES make a difference to both hair and eye circles (even though thats not the topic of discussion here).
Im speaking from experience.
farou7a u ll be so proud of me, i just oiled my hair

i suffer from constant breakage. when i was younger my hair was down to my butt but i used to braid it every single day all day. and that made it curly of course.
but at the same time it was healthy.

worst thing for long hair is heat and dye jobs.
ooo i am proud habibty!!!! it helps so much. with hair fall reduced too!

i stopped dyeing my hair about two years ago. i loved being a red head :(
now im back to dark brown. (its almost black) sigh.
but i have immense self control.

no straightening. no dye jobs. :P
Oh thank you, you lovely ladies!
Yeah I am learning that braids are my friend and I don't wash often anyway because I colour my hair. I got some detangling spray too. It has a smurf on!!! :P

Its crazy I used to never brush my hair or do anything and it was fine and then all of a sudden its just all crazy knots and tangles!!!
anytime :smile:

not brushing could be a problem too. that is, if its not curly.
Yeah I have straight hair. But i hadn't brushed for yeeeears! Seriously.
haha oh my.. why?!?!? woman! brushing ur long straight hair is tres important.. remember? 100 brush strokes before sleeping? yada yada yada?!?!
Have you tried Wen cleansing conditioners? It takes a long time (gotta comb it in, leave it in, etc) but works wonders.
I'm on the no washing your hair more than twice a week bandwagon

I have both long and thick hair with a lot of volume, and I used to have a problem with always getting split ends (even if I had cut it just 2 weeks prior) and tangly and everytime I went to the hairdresser they would assume I hadn't cut my hair in over 6 months

the secret is really in investing in a great shampoo and conditioner. My hairdresser recommended some for me and ever since I started using them I haven't had any problems. and this is after I dyed my hair lighter.

I've also been using a leave in conditioner and a good serum and my hair is in it's best shape ever.
what shampoo and conditioner do you use? I'm in the market for trying some new ones.

Hair does naturally change over time. Like Deborah, I never brush my hair but occasionally it can go through periods of knots and tangles. My hair texture has also changed over time. So it's just about adapting to some of those changes.
I'm using Matrix Essentials Sleek Look (orange bottles). They're not that expensive so you should def give it a try and I really did notice a change immediately
haha oh my.. why?!?!? woman! brushing ur long straight hair is tres important.. remember? 100 brush strokes before sleeping? yada yada yada?!?!
Haha I dunno it just didnt need it!
haha ur lucky!

i had done japanese rebonding when i got sick of my curls and i didnt brush it then myself, but its ust naturally silky at that pint (i dont recommend it though!)


do oil ur hair though!
I will start! Tonight my friend sprayed detangler in it and then plaited it for me hehe.....
ahh detanglers are a GODSEND! i swear when i decided i wouldnt rebond my hair, i thought, 'thats it! my hair is going to be a frightening pain in my butt till i shave it off'..

so sexy - victoria's secret and aveda's curly hair cream saved me :wink:
I don't understand how people don't brush their hair? Even if you can 'get away with' not doing it (which i don't understand, because i always think brushed hair looks smoother and silkier) surely it's terrible for your scalp?! Meh.

Anyway, my top tips for keeping long hair luscious;

1.) don't color it. I used to color my hair and since i've stopped it is a billion times silkier and healthier. Plus it's kind of nice just having my natural hair color, i think it matches my skin and eyes better than a 'nicer' color from a bottle

2.) BRUSH YOUR HAIR. especially before you shower, otherwise the shampoo and conditioner don't distribute as evenly

3.) Avoid heat styling as much as possible. Try to let your hair dry naturally, or do what i often do and wash your hair as soon as you wake up, then do all your little bits and bobs (breakfast, checking emails, picking out clothes, packing bag etc) BEFORE blow drying you hair, that way it's 80% dry and you can just blast it for a couple of minutes

4.) Agreed with not washing everyday, it really makes a huge difference. dry shampoo and yummy smelling leave-in conditioner help make you feel 'fresh' between washes

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