Edie Sedgwick #3


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Oct 3, 2007
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Footage of Edie Sedgwick and Andy Warhol on The Merv Griffin Show.

I love, love, love the way she speaks...so elegant and smooth. It's a shame we lost that as a society.
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Oh man.....was just getting ready to post the same footage! This was so awesome to see. I've loved Edie for ever!! :heart:
I don't know why but Eddie's outfit in the video reminds me of Marc Jacobs S/S 12 collection. Great footage though, thanks for sharing :flower:
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Aww, just love Edie; she pulls off sweet and edgy (lace collar & no pants!) at the same time. :heart:

But to this day I remain uncertain about Andy or what I think of him...:unsure:

from extracreditcrafts @ flickr
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^ Lupe, please state the account holder of the flickr account to ensure a proper credit. :flower:
^ Lupe, please state the account holder of the flickr account to ensure a proper credit. :flower:

extracreditcrafts @ flickr, but the proper credit should go to the Andy Warhol and the Andy Warhol museum in pittsburgh, PA :P
I just finished reading Edie: American Girl by Jean Stein - it's such a great biography!
^Great read, but what a family, right???
^Great read, but what a family, right???

wow, they all had a more than serious problem :shock:
and half of the children died/commited suicide...
it's such a pity, they had money, education, tradition and everything, but were so ****ed up!
Her legs were so amazing! :heart: I love that first picture of her dancing :buzz: Thank you so much for posting ScarlettLover :flower:
Does anyone think Edie (if she hadn't sadly passed away) would have eventually settled down with a family and calmed down? In Girl on Fire there's a quote from her husband where he states that they discussed having children and that Edie thought she might have been pregnant at the very end of her life ( if that was true, what a sad thought!).
I think she would have been an amazing mother. However, I wouldn't have wanted to see Edie settle down and fade away, but I would also have hated to see her continue on her drug rampage. The end of her life was just such a sad situation. :( I don't know, just wondering what everyone else here thinks. :smile:
I don't think Edie would have settled down, although I do think she would have found a new outlet for her manic energy and perhaps turned it into something productive. She was after all, planning to leave Michael and spoke of wanting to return to New York, even though she also spoke of wanting to have kids. I don't think Edie was the type of person who could ever really decide on one thing in life and be content with it...I think she would have spent the rest of her time going back and forth between different circles, places, and activities as she always had, though with a greater amount of wisdom and maturity. I think that kind of capriciousness was just something inherent to her nature, which isn't something sad in itself, although it often lead to dramatic lows and losses.
I don't recall seeing these exact ones, although I'm sure we all know these are from Vinyl. I found them at billyname.net. He seems like such a cool guy!


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Is the one with Andy real? It looks like someone took a picture of Edie from the 70's and put it next to a picture of Andy from the 60's. I also can't tell if it's really Edie...
^Sure doesn't look like her. The picture's not very clear, but the body shape doesn't look like Edie.
I didn't think it was her, but the caption said it was so I was just curious as to everyone else's thoughts. I think the face in a way looks like her from her later California years, but I agree with the body shape.

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