Hangers - What Kind Do You Use? Are You A Hanger Snob?


Mar 18, 2005
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Does it freak you out if you have all dark wood hangers and one light wood hanger? Or are you happy to stock up on plastic ones at Target? Or does your *dry cleaner* supply all your hangers?

Do hangers really matter (except for fragile clothes)? If you are a hanger snob, post a picture of the hottest hanger you love.

And hey, while we're at it, are you a closet closet organizer - does everything have to be just so and polished, swept, sorted, organized, maybe even labeled? Does your closet have its own sitting room, mini-washer-dryer and wall artwork? Hmmmmmmmm?

(Me? I'm posting on the board instead of organizing my closet like I should be.) :innocent:

This mahogany-tone wood hangers set in a Bed, Bath & Beyond sale circular caught my eye and prompted this thread (well, that and sheer laziness).

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good thread...:flower:...

i do actually have everything on the same kind of hanger and it would bother me if there was one off...

except coats and jackets which have their own type of hanger...
but that's ok cause they are hanging somewhere else...^_^...
My favorite skirt hanger is the bottom one in this picture (Container Store.com), the clamps are padded rubber so they don't cut into the clothing. Coats get wide cedar hangers. And (I'm ashamed to say) yes, I do have "art" in my closet.

I keep all my trousers hung up with wooden folding hangers and use those rounded plastic one's for shirts and jackets. But I am anything but neurotic about it. Only peeve is that I will not use wire hangers...."no more wire hangers!!!" :lol:

Interesting thread,indeed :wink:

**come to think of it,I've been rather keen on a set of wooden one's like you posted.
The set's $19.99 at that store. And there are $5 off coupons floating around in mailed circulars (along with a bunch of other mailed coupon thingys from them).

Linens 'N Things has these for $14.99 for a dozen (pic below)... but being the mahogany wh*re that I am, I'd be getting the Bed, Bath & Beyond ones.


Same price for two dozen of these at the same store as the pic immediately above (but they're not very inspiring unless all you wear is unbleached cotton:(


Wow, though - target has 30 of these for $19.99 though. I'm so torn...


And... plush closets and re-do ideas:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Nooooooooooooo way ... closet art!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do keep a rug in the bottom of my closet ... dual purpose ... protects my clothes from any dust bunnies :ninja: if something falls, and protects the hooked rug from my dog, who likes to chew it when I'm not here.

I most definitely do not have matching hangers. I still have pretty much every padded hanger I've ever owned, including the ones my aunt used to give me as stocking stuffers, some of which are more than 20 years old. I also have ones I've bought in various prints, damasks (most recently some pretty ones from the Container Store), satins, etc. Also plastic hangers I save for hanging things to dry, and lots of hangers from the cleaners. My skirt hangers are all ones that things have come on, and my cleaners actually gives me pretty decent ones.

Closet art, OMG no, although I recently did have the interior of my closet finished and painted. My closet is sooo not organized ... but everything is organized in my mind :lol: The only thing is, there's a bar that runs across, and then at the side a bar at a right angle to that one. Tops, jackets, and dresses go on the across bar, and bottoms go at the right. There's also a little dead area at the back corner, and there I put things that come back from the cleaners that are off-season, and household items like tablecloths, napkins, and curtains that have been to the cleaners. I also have various non-current (for whatever reason) items in a different closet in my storage room. I have two others closets, one I use to store paint, and the other to store packing materials.
PS My t-shirts and stuff like that are on the wire hangers.

Also, I have a triple hook inside the bathroom door, a single hook on the other side, and a double hook on the closet door in my bedroom. On these hang items in heavy rotation :P It helps me remember what I've already worn during a given week :lol:
Oh that's a good idea about hooks for things in current rotation. *Must install the nice one I bought a year or so ago. Wonder where it actually is.*

fashionista-ta said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Nooooooooooooo way ... closet art!!!

I suppose there's always

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From time to time I've had a fantasy about having one of those perfect closets like you see in ads from people trying to sell you goods and services that would enable you to have a perfect closet.
I've gotten as far as putting my coats on wooden hangers.


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I moved countries three years ago,and I definitely didn't take any clothes hangers with me ,so I've got all newish,matching plain wooden hangers.I had a totally mixed batch in my home country though...including ones I got from my mom the first time I left home to go to uni...and that was,let us say,a while ago:lol: .

I'm not snobbish or particular about it though...it just kind of looks nice now,so I keep it that way.

What a funny thread...I hope more people regale us with pics of their closets and stories of secret hang-ups :rofl:.
:lol: wow...this place goes down to the wire, huh? sorry i don't have a picture of my closet but even if i do , me dont know how to post here w/out attachment ....HOWEVER, my hangars are all cherry wood (like hotel hangers) with the grip thingy B)
only wooden hangers for me; no wires, no plastic.
this hanger discussion is very interesting and quite deeply revealing!

Part of the maturing process since I've entered my 30's, seems to have been to 'upgrade' from tangled, mismatched, wire hangers to a nice, neat row of matching wood ones. I also recently upgraded even further, and put all of my delicate blouses on rubbery padded ones. And I like the kind of skirt hangers that Hebden uses.

as for my closet, I moved from a house with a basement and lots of closets to a smaller place with no basement and basically one small closet per spouse. I am much happier with this arrangement, I have a lot fewer clothes but I know exactly what I have and where everything is. It's made me a much more disciplined shopper too. I love constraints like that.

The next phase of my closet improvement is the war against moths!! Luckily I found the moth thread, and I am now armed and dangerous:ninja:
my closet consists of neat-ish piles of clothes on my bedroom floor with a little path running through the middle to the door:blush:

i have a lot of plain ones made from wood, bought in ikea. a year ago though i found a lot of knit-covered hangers at a flea market for almost no money and i bought them all. i started a small collection and i'm up to almost 50 now. they're not all exactly the same shape but i suppose that has its charm as well. also, i make my grandmother knit the covers for me (which means she's not knitting guest towels, which she had grown tired of :D ) , so the collection is constantly increasing.

..the picture shows a few of my hangers. :wink:


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What a very cute thing to have a collection of,Mettchen!!! Your gran must love doing them:lol: .My mom had a few in the old days. I can see those looking good with your clothing though.

Well,well...you never know what you discover about people when you ask weird questions :rofl:
I fold all my pants/jeans. I use wooden hangers for coats and dresses. For my tops, I use the padded satin hangers in an ivory colour... They're so pretty!! ^_^
Could I ask, what do you mean by "are you a hanger snob"?? :blush:
I'm not too picky on what hangers are in my closet, except NO WIRE HANGERS!!! I hate the way wire hangers leave an ugly crease or "hump" in the shoulders or a sharp crease if you hang pants on them. YUCK. :yuk:

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